Student and Alumni

Open Recruitment… Robogals Volunteer and Get SAT Points and Community Service Hours

Open Recruitment… Robogals Volunteer and Get SAT Points and Community Service Hours

Kevin Osmond: Story of a Real Entrepreneur

Kevin Osmond: Story of a Real Entrepreneur

Alumni Success Stories – Toge Production

Alumni Success Stories – Toge Production

Printerous CEO: Kevin Osmond (batch 2005)

Printerous CEO: Kevin Osmond (batch 2005)

Giorgio Fasolini Soenjoto – Binusian’19

Giorgio Fasolini Soenjoto – Binusian’19

Christian Tang – Binusian’15

Christian Tang – Binusian’15

Kornelius Samuel – Binusian’15

Kornelius Samuel – Binusian’15

Hengky won the Silver Medal at Worldskills 2019

Hengky won the Silver Medal at Worldskills 2019

Alumni Talk at Freshmen Enrichment Programme 2019

Alumni Talk at Freshmen Enrichment Programme 2019

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