
Generative AI: The AI Revolution Unleashed by ChatGPT

Generative AI: The AI Revolution Unleashed by ChatGPT

Industry Partnership Event with Asosiasi Pegiat Industri Board Gim Indonesia (APIBGI)

Industry Partnership Event with Asosiasi Pegiat Industri Board Gim Indonesia (APIBGI)

Faculty member of Computer Science, Nunung Nurul Qomariyah, S.Kom., M.T.I., Ph.D., was invited by Malaysian Goverment to be a speaker at the UK Malaysia Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conference 2023

Faculty member of Computer Science, Nunung Nurul Qomariyah, S.Kom., M.T.I., Ph.D., was invited by Malaysian Goverment to be a speaker at the UK Malaysia Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conference 2023

Guest Lecturing Talks: Prof. Wenny Rahayu, La Trobe University

Guest Lecturing Talks: Prof. Wenny Rahayu, La Trobe University

Industry Partnership: PT. Radiologi Net Indonesia

Industry Partnership: PT. Radiologi Net Indonesia

Alan Turing Institute Visit ti BINUS FX Campus

Alan Turing Institute Visit ti BINUS FX Campus

Robogals’ Jakarta Section 2023/2024: Unveiling a New Chapter with a Grand Welcoming Party

Robogals’ Jakarta Section 2023/2024: Unveiling a New Chapter with a Grand Welcoming Party

How to know your Campus: Scavengers Hunt by Binusian Leaders FYP 2023

How to know your Campus: Scavengers Hunt by Binusian Leaders FYP 2023

Guest Lecture: Mr. Shekhar Kalra STEM | School of Computing Technologies RMIT

Guest Lecture: Mr. Shekhar Kalra STEM | School of Computing Technologies RMIT

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