Research Workshop Computer Science Binus & University of York, UK

In August 25, 2022, Computer Science Binus University International held a dissemination research workshop. This workshop activity is the result of a research collaboration between the University of York, UK with Binus University and Pasar Minggu Hospital, Jakarta. The workshop was conducted in hybrid mode in the Auditorium, FX Mall Campus 6th Floor, Jl. Sudirman Central Jakarta. It is one of the research agendas of Computer Science, Binus International, entitled “AI-Based Telemedicine for COVID-19 Patients”.


The research project aims to create an innovation in helping doctors and health practitioners monitoring COVID-19 patients by utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology accessible from the distance. Some activities of the research include analyze the COVID-19 patient data, develop the AI modelling system, and build a telemedicine application. The team has developed several Artificial Intelligence (AI) models based on data from patient laboratory results (Chest X-Ray, CT-scan, and blood tests) that were obtained from their research partner, Pasar Minggu Jakarta Hospital. With the presence of AI-based prediction technology, the prediction results can help the medical team to establish their first diagnosis for patients with COVID-19 disease. The team has also implemented this prediction model in a telemedicine application called “NUMED: New Telemedicine” to possibly reduce direct contact between medical personnel and patients and to reduce the waiting time of the services. More about the research profile can be visited via the website:


Treating patients remotely has been offered since the 1950s, when health care providers performed remote services via landlines. This allows patients to get health services comfortably without having to leave the place. Today, with advances in telemedicine technology, communication between doctors and patients has become easier. This can be done using multiple platforms, including web portals, mobile apps, video conferencing, and real time chat with doctors. This convenience offers the flexibility to be accessible anytime anywhere without the need to queue and wait for hours. The COVID-19 condition requires health practitioners to be stricter and more protective in dealing with infectious diseases. The lack of medical personnel and personal protective equipment makes it difficult for health workers to deal with the pandemic. In this situation, telemedicine can help with an early diagnosis system and remote patient monitoring to reduce direct contact between doctors and COVID-19 patients.


The event was started with several remarks from University of York, UK, Pasar Minggu Hospital, Jakarta, Dinkes DKI Jakarta, Kemendikbud Ristekdikti and British Council. It was followed with the presentation from the team about the research results and telemedicine application demo.


In this event, several invited guests have attended, include:


Institution Invited Guests
Binus University  Prof. Dr. Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, Ph.D.

Win Ce, S.Kom., M.M.

Samuel Mahatmaputra Tedjojuwono, S.Kom., M.Info.Tech

Raymond Bahana, ST., M.Sc.

Jude Joseph Lamug Martinez, MCS.

University of York Dr. Dimitar Kazakov
Pasar Minggu Hospital, Jakarta  dr. Yudi Amiarno, Sp.U

dr. Sri Dhuny Atas Asri, Sp. P

dr. Mohamad Yanuar, Sp.P

dr. Ririen Razika Ramdhani, MARS, Sp.P, FASR

dr. Risky Akaputra, Sp.P

Dinkes DKI Jakarta  dr. Widyastuti, MKM.
British Council  Hugh Moffatt
British Embassy  Nadya Safiera
Kemendikbud Ristekdikti  Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Faiz Syuaib M.Agr.