Workshop on Introduction to Computer Programming at SMPK Harapan Bagi Bangsa

The Computer Science Program at Binus University International recently conducted an engaging and informative workshop at SMPK Harapan Bagi Bangsa. Held over two days, July 9, 2024, and July 10, 2024, the workshop aimed to introduce students to the basics of computer programming. This initiative was a collaborative effort with the Electro Engineering Program from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia and was an integral part of the orientation week at SMPK Harapan Bagi Bangsa.

On the first day of the workshop, July 9, 2024, instructors from Binus University International captivated the students with an introductory session on Python programming. The training was designed to be interactive and hands-on, allowing students to dive into the fundamentals of Python. They were introduced to essential programming concepts such as variables, data types, and control structures. Through practical examples and exercises, the students were encouraged to apply what they learned, sparking their interest and enthusiasm for coding.

The second day of the workshop, July 10, 2024, shifted the focus to mobile application programming. The students were given an overview of the mobile app development landscape, including the various platforms and tools used in the industry. The session provided a foundation for creating simple mobile applications, offering students a glimpse into the dynamic field of app development. This practical approach aimed to inspire students to explore further opportunities in technology and innovation.

The two-day workshop at SMPK Harapan Bagi Bangsa was a remarkable success, leaving a lasting impact on the students. It underscored the importance of early exposure to programming and highlighted the benefits of collaborative educational efforts. Binus University International is committed to continuing such initiatives to nurture the next generation of tech enthusiasts and innovators.