Promoting Safe Digital Practices Among Youth in Makassar

On May 17th, 2024, Satrio Pradono Suryodiningrat, a lecturer from the Computer Science program at the School of Computing and Creative Arts, Binus University International, attended a special event titled “Cakap Literasi Digital bagi Remaja dan Pemuda Kristen Area II di Makassar.” The event focused on promoting digital literacy among Christian youth and teenagers in the region.

Held in Makassar, the event attracted a large audience eager to learn more about digital media safety. Satrio delivered an engaging speech on “Aman Bermedia Digital”, where he emphasized the importance of responsible and secure online behavior.

During his talk, Satrio covered various critical aspects of digital safety, such as protecting personal information, identifying and avoiding online scams, and understanding the long-term implications of digital footprints. He urged the young audience to remain vigilant and well-informed about the potential risks of the digital world while also encouraging them to make the most of its benefits for education and personal development.

The event was part of a larger effort to equip young people with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the digital landscape safely and effectively. The event provided valuable insights and practical advice, making a significant impact on the attendees.

This initiative is designed to promote digital literacy and safety, preparing students and the wider community to face the challenges and seize the opportunities of the digital age.