HCI Guest Lecturer: User Experience Design

On December 1st, 2023, Binus University International’s FX Senayan Campus hosted a captivating guest lecture on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with a specific focus on User Experience (UX) Design. The esteemed guest speaker, Okky Permana Soedargo, who holds the position of Product Design Lead at Blibli Ticket Group, shared his valuable insights and expertise with the audience.

The guest lecture delved into the fascinating world of UX Design, a field that focuses on creating user-centered interfaces and interactions. Mr. Soedargo explored the importance of understanding user needs, behaviors, and motivations in crafting effective and intuitive digital products. By hosting this guest lecture, Binus University International demonstrated its commitment to providing students with the most up-to-date knowledge and industry exposure. Those who attended this event gained valuable insights into the world of HCI and UX Design, potentially inspiring them to pursue careers in this dynamic field.