Student Projects

Social Media Use: A Poll Study using Instagram

Social Media Use: A Poll Study using Instagram

Get To Know Jakarta Public Transportation

Get To Know Jakarta Public Transportation

Workplace sexual harassment

Workplace sexual harassment

People of Color (POC) representation in the film

People of Color (POC) representation in the film

Verbal abuse in toxic relationship

Verbal abuse in toxic relationship

Young people and quarter life crisis

Young people and quarter life crisis

Mindful Listening in Families

Mindful Listening in Families

Comm Space 2021 Day 2: Art and Photography Competition and Exhibition

Comm Space 2021 Day 2: Art and Photography Competition and Exhibition

Comm Space 2021 Day 1: INSPACE Panel Discussion – Intercultural Experience in a workplace

Comm Space 2021 Day 1: INSPACE Panel Discussion – Intercultural Experience in a workplace

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