Graduation of Batch 2015 – 1 December 2015

S__3776520In the words of Martin Luther King. Jr., “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

Dear students of 2015,

Today marks a historic date for the Binus International Communications program.

You are pioneers in having this faith and pursuing a path that no other student has taken.
Between orientation week, your trips and studies abroad, your internships, your failures and successes, – you have been each other great support and we can see very clearly now by the way how you treat each other and talk to each other, that this is not the end of your road together.
We are sad to see you leave, our pride in you is immeasurable and we thank you for sharing your thoughts and hearts with us. We cannot wait to see what your path has in store for you
You can always count on an open door at your alma mater, come and knock any day.
Our graduates are:
  • Andira Putri Chairuni
  • Candy Laurensia Dominggus
  • Cinta Nastasya
  • Jean Tania
  • Nabila Rakhmaniar Rezavidi
  • Nadine Salsabila Utomo
  • Nadya Syarifa Mirandhany
  • Ni Nyoman Wira Widyanti
  • Rahadianto Rahma Putra
  • Ratu Ineza Maulida
  • Shabrina Nugroho (2016)


Warm Regards,

CristineChristine Gneuss (Head of Program)

AndariAndari Karina Anom (Deputy)