Unveiling the Power of Smartphone GPS

Nicolas Pratama

Smartphones features have been increasingly more advanced throughout the years. In the old days smartphones only feature calls between phone users and text messages, nowadays there are multiple new features that are being implemented onto newer phones, one of them being the feature to show GPS location to the user of the phone. The Global Positioning System, in short, GPS can increase and revolutionize technological features in smartphones.

Global Positioning System has some features that ease the user’s life in the current modern era. Accurate navigation, this allows the user to effectively determine where they are positioned at the moment they use the GPS system in their phone, this is especially important in case the user wanted to walk by foot. Location based services,  as apps and services provide an accurate and specific information about the user whereabouts, it would ease the user to search for nearby available services such as nearest gas station, restaurant services, landmarks or other business premises. Emergency Services, this features allows someone to pinpoint the exact user of the Emergency Service in case of distress calls between them. The use of Global Positioning System helps companies that provide delivering services to the customers by tracking the location that the user wanted for the package to be delivered. Fitness and health, GPS also keeps track of the user’s outdoor activities which could be really helpful for athletes to measure and reach the objective that they  wanted for their outdoor activities. Data collection and Geometrical information, nowadays apps such as google maps allows user to view the location of their place of destination which helps  the user just in case they wanted to know whether they have arrived on their destination or not.  all these features Improved the user access of geographical information.

To summarize,  the use of Global Presentation System inside smartphones helps to ease the everyday life of each user especially in the current modern era where technology is involved and implemented on every aspect of basic human needs, thus GPS comes in handy when the user wanted to know their specific whereabouts, the services available near their location, records of outdoor activities, and the location of others. I personally think that this Global Presentation System helps to assist human in their everyday worklife , in the old days it is hard to determine  someone’s location without the use of GPS and thus they use compass instead which does not represent the exact location of where they are, but now with the implementation of Global Positioning System in our daily life it  is so much easier to not only know where we are, but to also navigate the place that we wanted to go to, other than that GPS also helps to improve  business services such as package delivery services to know the exact location of the receiver of the package to  help prevent sending the package  to the wrong people. Overall GPS has revolutionized technology and ease users life in the  current modern era.