English Language Services
English Language Services (ELS) is responsible for innovating, designing and maintaining programs, as well as promoting, supporting and resolving communication issues relating to the use of the English language at BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL and BINUS INTERNATIONAL. This includes Academic English and Pre-sessional English courses, a Language Clinic and Self-Access Centre for students, pursuing contacts and developing programs and events with English-language based entities in Indonesia and abroad, consultation and training for faculty and staff, and coordination with our partner universities overseas.
ELS is pursuing a vision of making JWC a campus of international communication par excellence, providing for students through continual exposure to international academia, professional and general English and culture, not only from faculty, staff, visitors and resources but also amongst students themselves. Students are further encouraged, in order to continually improve and update their English language abilities, to make the most of facilities such as extremely effective one-to-one consultation sessions with native-speaker English faculty in the daily English Language Clinic, and the English language Self Access Center in the library and online containing the latest, most relevant materials. Students will therefore be well prepared to communicate, and feel at home communicating in, English in an international environment, thus smoothing the transition to studies overseas, and giving students a commanding edge.