
What our alumni says.

Tasha Nurmedina

As an accomplished alumna of BINUS University International's Communications program. Her background in entertainment journalism fueled her belief in the power of storytelling, which she refined through experiences like a group assignment in Ms. Karin's class, exploring diverse perspectives on ASEAN Games stories. Before graduation, Tasha interned as copywriter in marketing communications, which led to a nearly two-year full-time position. Seeking new challenges, Tasha then transitioned to a corporate communications role at Telkomsel. Here, she crafts and conveys the company's narrative to partners, a role that has been both challenging and rewarding, contributing significantly to her professional growth. Her journey exemplifies the sturdy groundwork she built at our university, where the English-language curriculum seamlessly aligned with her aspirations in entertainment journalism.
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Andira P. Chairuni

The more I explore, the more I understand that communication is the key to bringing layered world perspectives. My studies have allowed me to research various topics for assignments, interview sources from diverse backgrounds, and present projects in different formats, such as papers, presentations, and videos. Studying at BINUS University International convinced me that communication is what I want to pursue in the future. They provided me with the space to explore without fitting a certain standard, which paved the way for my postgraduate studies at King’s College London, UK, where I majored in Digital Culture and Society. My studies at BINUS University International, my study abroad experience, and my job as a journalist at the English digital broadcast channel SEA Today have provided me with an avenue to deepen my interest in the progress and challenges at the grassroots level. This interest was further developed through several bulletins I produced in South Papua about education and in South Kalimantan on child marriage.
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Timotius A. Tandra

Persevere, and you’ll see great results. The best part of graduating from BINUS University International is that I can apply what I've learned in the real world, making my education both practical and relevant. I know I'm learning from the best since the lecturers and faculty at BINUS University International are very supportive and provide excellent feedback. I credit them for my academic performance and the opportunities I've received beyond academics. From learning about copywriting and crafting communication strategies to understanding the relevance of implementing analytics in my work, I've gained skills that are great assets to kick-start my career as a communication professional. There were many times I doubted my ability to succeed, but remembering past challenges I overcame motivated me to keep going. The support system provided at BINUS University International played a crucial role in helping me persevere. Did I mention that there are numerous opportunities for students to engage in various activities that enhance both academic and personal growth? From competitions and joining student organizations to engaging in internships, I've found that I'm well-prepared for a career that aligns with my passion. Studying Communications at BINUS University International has offered me a well-rounded education that is both practical and versatile. The experiences and skills I've gained have prepared me for various career paths and helped me excel in my chosen field. Whether it's participating in competitions, joining student organizations, or engaging in internships, BINUS has ensured that I'm well-prepared for my future career.  
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A Journey of Self Discovery

Meet Shalomita Alessia Warganegara, or simply Alia, featured in our latest "Our Inspiration" edition, where we highlight stories worth telling. At BINUS University, we ensure that students can be the best versions of themselves. With numerous avenues to pursue their passions, the university aims to be a great starting point for personal growth. Like me, participating in the Outstanding Student Competition (Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi - Pilmapres) has taught me the importance of self-confidence. Why did I decide to participate in Pilmapres? As a current Journalism major at BINUS University International, I am passionate about the power of storytelling to create an impact in society. My work, "Mami Yuli: A Haven for Rejected Trans Women in Indonesia," sheds light on human rights, a topic that often lacks attention. The subject had never piqued my curiosity before. One of my lecturers, Miss Dian Sarwono, approached me and suggested I sign up. With a flicker of doubt about my qualifications, I completed the application that same day, still not knowing what I had signed up for. The application required highlighting my accomplishments, but at the time, I only had a few in fields like arts and badminton. I felt adrift, lacking any accomplishments I could consider worth celebrating! Do I have aspirations to achieve by participating in the Pilmapres? For me, it wasn't about winning; it was about making a difference. I wanted to raise awareness and understanding around the transgender community. The competition provided a platform to advocate for this marginalized group, despite the controversial nature of the topic. My goal was to bring attention to their struggles and break down societal taboos. The preparation? With no prior debate experience, I knew I had to step up my game. I am incredibly grateful to everyone at BINUS University International for their support! My tutor, Miss Astri, provided me with a strong foundation in maintaining composure, dissecting questions, and responding effectively. She also gave me essential information on the Sustainable Development Goals, which proved to be crucial during the process. A special shout-out to Jacqueline Abyasa, whose camaraderie turned the competition into a friendly rivalry! The rocky road? The debate was, of course, a significant challenge. I mentioned that, right? I was panicking! I felt the pressure of representing BINUS University International and feared being perceived as incompetent. Choosing a topic was another hurdle. Discussing transgender rights in Indonesia risked being seen as a Westernized issue, but I bridged this gap by connecting the topic to a universally relevant theme: education. Balancing my internship with competition preparation was also difficult. Despite the exhausting late nights, I was determined to give my best, driven by the dedication of my mentors. So, what did you gain? One word: transformative! I improved my critical thinking and ability to think on my feet—valuable skills for an aspiring journalist. I can now confidently say that it's about the process. Although I didn't win in the end, it doesn't define one's worth; intellectual and personal development do. My journey at BINUS University International has been a testament to the university's commitment to nurturing leadership skills in its students. The supportive environment, dedicated mentors, and challenging opportunities at BINUS have empowered me to grow as a leader and advocate for important social issues. My story is just one example of the transformative experiences awaiting prospective students at BINUS University International. Thank you Alia for sharing the story with us! Stay tuned for more story!
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Dimas Rangga

Living abroad has changes my perspective of seeing life I aspire to work in the lifestyle industry such as retail and the hospitality industry and hope one day I can open my own restaurant. As of now, I’m living in the moment and working my way up. My university career has taught me to be flexible in the routes I wish to take, and if you get lost, you just have to remember your way back. When I took the double degree program at Northumbria University in Newcastle, it was easily the highlight of my university life. As living abroad for the first time has changed my perspective in seeing my life, and it is that I can finally be myself since a long time. After graduating from Communication in PR major, I’m employed at Burson Cohn and Wolfe, a PR consultant based in NYC. Even though, my position is still  an intern here, the opportunity given to me has be amazing as I work with clients across multiple brands to help with their PR and branding through organising events, maintain social media accounts, and sustain good relations with our media partner is part of job desk.
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