BINUS Multisite International Summer Course

On the vibrant morning of July 20th, 2023, the BINUS @Senayan Campus Jakarta West Campus (JWC) came alive with an air of excitement as it hosted the much-anticipated opening ceremony of the BINUS Multisite International Summer Course (MISC). Proudly organized by BINUS Business School (BBS), this short program welcomed enthusiastic international students from partner universities, promising them an integrated experience consisting of academic, social, and networking opportunities in the heart of Indonesia.

BINUS Multisite International Summer Course is more than just a typical summer course; it serves as a bridge connecting students from diverse backgrounds and cultures, fostering mutual understanding, and creating lasting friendships. As the sun began to rise, a group of spirited students, representing various countries, gathered to embark on their journey of exploration and education.

The day commenced with a visit to one of Jakarta’s marvels – the MRT Tunnel. The students had the opportunity to delve into the city’s modern transportation system, immersing themselves in Indonesia’s contemporary infrastructure and witnessing the city’s dynamic pulse.

After the MRT Tunnel experience, the participants headed back to the BINUS @ Senayan Campus JWC for the official opening ceremony. The KICKOFF MISC RUNDOWN featured an exciting lineup of events, carefully curated to set the tone for an unforgettable journey. Started with a welcoming remark from Drs. Andreas Chang, M.B.A Binus @Senayan Campus Director, who graced the occasion with a heartfelt welcome speech, emphasizing the importance of cultural exchange and global education. Dr. Diah Wihardini, the Global Director of BINUS University, captivated the audience with her vision of fostering a global community of learners and innovators. Last, but not least, Dr. Ami Fitri Utami, S.E., MSM.  the head of the International Business Program gives a brief explanation about the program.

Following the inspiring opening ceremony, the participants eagerly delved into their courses. On this first day, they had the chance to immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of Indonesia through Bahasa Indonesia classes. The students were also treated to a unique Tye Dye Class, exploring their creativity and engaging in hands-on activities.

As the day drew to a close, the students carried with them memories of newfound friendships, inspiring speeches, and the promise of knowledge that awaited them in the days ahead. BINUS MISC had set sail, offering an enriching voyage of discovery, learning, and personal growth.

Throughout the program, the students would continue to explore the diversity of Indonesia, learn from distinguished faculty, and forge connections that transcended borders. BINUS MISC stood as a testament to the power of education in uniting the world and cultivating a global perspective.

The journey had just begun, and the possibilities were endless for these ambitious young minds who would undoubtedly return home with hearts full of memories and minds filled with knowledge.
