Stuck at Home? 4 Key Points to Stay Creative While at Home

People all around the world are still struggling to adapt to this new situation, one where we are prohibited from meeting and touching people. All activities must be done from home, including office and school work. Far different from the situation before the pandemic hit, now people are limited in their daily routines.
Despite the harsh reality, innovations have started emerging in the midst of COVID-19. Things that we have never imagined before are widely used, such as online meetings via video conferences, music concerts via social media, and online classes for students. Surprisingly, creativity is not buried even when people are stuck at home.
On Monday (18/5), BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL – International Undergraduate Program held an event managed by the BINUS International Business Society with three well-known Indonesian public figures as main speakers in the online talk show titled “#BIBSTalk: Stay Creative When You Have to Stay at Home.” If you are currently struggling to stay creative while at home, here are 4 tips from Boy William, Igor “Saykoji”, and Yosi Mokalu of Project Pop that you can try.
Challenge Yourself
Sure, it is easy to see this quarantine situation as a burden, a huge wall that keeps you away from being creative. However, have you tried to actually see it as a challenge rather than some inconvenience? It is time to get out of bed and start adapting. With all this spare time you have at home, you can use it to connect more with people by uploading your content in an online platform, doing things that you have been curious about, or honing your skills.
As long as you have the motivation and the right mindset, you can practically do most activities at home by using the internet. Not only that, but there are also still many activities that do not require an internet connection, such as drawing or cooking.
If prior to this pandemic you were not quite tech-smart, this is the perfect condition to teach yourself how to utilize the technology around you optimally. Now, people can easily digitize their business, selling their products via the online marketplace. This is a wake-up call that the future is not going to wait, it is time to start being more effective and efficient.
Steer Clear from Fear
The number one enemy in our lives is fear. Stop questioning yourself or even doubting that you can thrive. Remember, even the most successful people have failed miserably numerous times before they can finally be on top. It is just a cycle of life, one must fail first before reaching success. Keep on trying and building the proper work ethic, one that is based on discipline.
It is easier said than done, but you can start by doing something that you really enjoy or love. That way, you can feel more passionate and motivated, which in turn will make you get creative. Then, do not let fear control your every move. See your career as a building. When you fail, you have to start the construction again from the bottom. Only when you get to the bottom you can truly see what is wrong with the foundation. In the end, you can build a stronger and better building, perhaps even taller.
Take Examples from Your Role Models
Role models can be anyone, from your parents to your favorite singers. The most important thing is to take the good values of these role models and throw away the bad ones. Do not blindly copy or try to imitate your role model. Take different values from different people and combine them into a set of values that works with you, so you can keep being motivated and inspired.
For example, you admire the tenacity and humble behavior of Barack Obama. See him as an example of a “zero to hero” public figure, how he started from the bottom and worked his way up until he finally became the first African-American President of the United States. Perhaps you admire the song-writing skills of Eminem, learn from him on how to rhyme and write engaging lyrics with a great vocabulary. Always focus on the good and apply those positive values to your life.
Be Consistent and Stay Positive
In this modern era, social media quickly becomes a one-for-all platform where people can build their own platforms and release content. It is safe to say that social media has changed the way we interact with people. However, to be able to stay creative when you have to stay at home, you need to be consistent in making quality content.
It is important to look at the statistics, but do not lose track or forget the responsibility that you have to share high-quality content to your existing followers. More importantly, use social media as a platform to spread positivity, not negativity like cyberbullying and hoaxes. You need to have a positive mindset to be able to maximize the function of social media, especially during the quarantine.