Announcement to All Students: Circular Letter on Lecture and Student Activities

Due to the rapidly escalating health concerns relating to the spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), BINUS UNIVERSITY is striving to take preventive efforts with the aim of protecting the health of all students, lecturers, employees, and all related parties.
Circular Letter (Surat Edaran) No. 233/REK-SE/III/2020 on Lecture and Student Activities:
Starting from 18 March 2020 until the end of 2019/2020 Even Semester, all lecture activities will be fully conducted in an online method in accordance with the GSLC (Guided Self Learning Class) guidelines.
All Mid-semester and Final Exams will be conducted with a Take-home test and Project model.
All thesis/dissertation mentoring activities as well as the Enrichment Program mentoring will be conducted online.
All thesis/dissertation defense exams will be conducted with video conferences.
All Enrichment Programs for the research and entrepreneurship tracks will be conducted online, and the internship and community development tracks will be conducted in a work-from-home method until further notice.
All student activities by the Center/Study Programs/Programs/Student Organizations will be conducted online. All student activities abroad or out of town will be postponed until further notice.
All academic services will be conducted online. The service mechanism will be socialized via Binusmaya on the menu: Support, sub-menu: Download Center, category: Layanan Akademik.
Changes to the graduation ceremony schedule will be disseminated later.
Visit to stay up to date with BINUS UNIVERSITY’s efforts in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and protecting the students and the academic community in the campus environment.
Let’s together prevent the Coronavirus from spreading. Stay hygienic, stay healthy!