Financial Technology in Accounting, International Business, and Marketing Perspectives

In a collaboration between ASC (Accounting Student Club), BINUS INTERNATIONAL Business Society (BIBS), and BINUS INTERNATIONAL Marketing Club (BIMARC), along with the support from programs and SAGE, we proudly present the talk show from FinTech peer-to-peer lending, ASETKU.
In Indonesia, FinTech is a booming industry; one of them is ASETKU. ASETKU is a platform that provides peer-to-peer lending, allowing the borrower and the lender to meet through an online platform.
Day/date: Wednesday/27 February 2019
Time: 12:30 AM – 03:45 PM
Location: BINUS JWC Campus, Senayan
Speaker: Andrisyah Tauladan (Director of ASETKU)
- What is P2P?
- Business Model
- Marketing in P2P Industry
- Risk Control
Contact person:
- (021) 720 2222, 3333