Move Beyond Your Average Limits by Richie Jimmy Walia

Publisher Gramedia Pustaka Utama officially launched the book Move Beyond Your Average Limits by Richie Jimmy Walia, ACS, ALB, on Monday, February 23, 2016 at Binus International University, Jakarta. Richie Jimmy Walia is a 19-year-old student, financial planner, entrepreneur, international public speaking and leadership club member, speaker, coach and leader. As an average guy, he always doubted himself in everything he did. But the turning point of his life was when he discovered an international public speaking and leadership club that help him grow more confident and discover his passion. Today, Richie is no longer a shy guy who can barely communicate his ideas, but can collaborate with organizations to speak at several events as a motivational speaker and also build his business. By writing Move beyond Your Average Limits, Richie shares that our limits are what we forge in our mind. Once we get rid of it we can move beyond our limitations and be successful. This book is for someone who is starting out and trying to be successful. Some of the theories and concepts will give you an added value and new insights on what you can do to change your life.
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