Bernard Gunawan: The EPAS Accreditation of BINUS is a Positive Contribution to Education in Indonesia

The International Accounting and Finance program has attained EPAS accreditation (EFMD Programme Accreditation System), an international accreditation for academic programs in business schools based on European standards. With this achievement, BINUS has become the first institution in Indonesia with EPAS accreditation.
EFMD announced BINUS’s achievement in earning the accreditation through its official website: “The EPAS Accreditation Board has recently awarded the EPAS quality label to the following program: Faculty of Business, BINUS UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL, Indonesia.”
Bernard Gunawan, CEO of BINA NUSANTARA Group said “This accreditation is a strong acknowledgement of BINUS. This benefits BINUS students’ in facing the ASEAN community competition that will enter Indonesia later this year.”
A similar thing was stated by Dewi Fitriasari, the Head of the Accounting program. Dewi said that this accreditation is a seal of approval at the international level. “For us in Indonesia, we are really proud now that we are acknowledged. It will benefit the students in competing academically and for their future employment.”
It is not easy for education institutions to earn international accreditations. Both Bernard and Dewi hope that the university’s achievements do not stop there. Instead, it should serve as motivation to gain more success in the future. “I hope this accreditation can be maintained and BINUS can contribute to the growth of education in Indonesia,” said Bernard. (RAW)