BINUS INTERNATIONAL’s family friendly New Year 2014 Celebration

BINUS INTERNATIONAL has its own way to celebrate the new year and strengthen its family ties. As a company engaged in the education industry, BINA NUSANTARA is always set to continuously create and develop various innovations to promote the pillars of education in Indonesia.
As in previous years, this year’s celebration featured Firdaus Alamsjah, Ph.D., the BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL executive dean, announcing the many achievements of employees in both national and international arenas throughout the year 2013. This good news led to all the attendees giving a big round of applause.
The series of events held in the Lobby of Joseph Wibowo Center Campus on Thursday, January 16, 2014 began with Mr. Alamsjah giving his remarks and closed with lunch. The happiness and warmth spread to envelop everyone at the celebration. ( KF )