BINUS Collaborates withNorthumbria University

With more than 32 years of Indonesian education under its belt, BINUS has won the trust as an education institution of public choice. Various breakthroughs are continuously made by BINUS to realize its vision to be ““A World-class Knowledge Institution in continuous pursuit of innovation and enterprise”.
One of the breakthroughs made is the program where BINUS INTERNATIONAL collaborateswith various overseas universities. Currently, BINUS INTERNATIONAL has built partnership with 19 leading universities in Australia, Europe and Asia for the implementation of double degree, student exchange and master track programs.
Among all the forms of partnership with overseas universities, there is one unique partnership, which is the implementation of double degree that can be achieved in four years without having to go overseas.
This program is a partnership between BINUS INTERNATIONAL and Northumbria University, one of the leading universities in the United Kingdom. Northumbria University has earned its world reputation known for its quality alumni who have produced spectacular works; among others are Jonathan Ive, senior vice president of Design, Apple Inc.; Warren Trezevant, animator & creative lead for Dimensional Animation, Pixar Animation Study); Adi Panuntun, founder of Design & Film Company, Sembilan Matahari; and many more.
Students taking program at School of Design, such as Art & Design, Fashion Design and Fashion Management can complete their education in Indonesia without having to go overseas. Yet, they will still earn two degrees in a relatively short period.
Northumbria University actively helps the development of School of Design at BINUS INTERNATIONAL, from the management of learning quality andthe application of curriculum, to the provision of audit team. At the end of each semester, the audit team from Northumbria University, which is headquartered in the United Kingdom, will visit BINUS INTERNATIONAL to conduct workshop and assessment for students and lectures.
“We are convinced that the international reputation Northumbria University has earned can give the positive impact for the development of School of Design at BINUS INTERNATIONAL,” said Stephen W. Santoso, managing director of BINUS Group. (Karunia Fransiska)