Jakarta Fashion Week 2014 Witnesses the Masterpieces of BINUS INTERNATIONAL’s Students

Jakarta Fashion Week is the biggest and most-anticipated fashion event in Indonesia. The allure of this prestigious event draws the attention of fashionistas from not only the archipelago, but also from around the globe. Thus, this event should be the benchmark for fashion development in Indonesia.
After achieving success at Jakarta Fashion Week 2013 with ‘Hyperculture’, which was inspired by woven fabric motif designs from Lombok, BINUS INTERNATIONAL Fashion Design and Fashion Management Program returned to Jakarta Fashion Week 2014, held on Sunday, October 20, 2013.
This year’s theme was ‘Urban Myths: The Mystical Borneo’, which was inspired by fabric motif designs from Kalimantan. BINUS INTERNATIONAL students conducted research in East Kalimantan as a means of preparing for the show. During the research, the students managed to meet members of the Dayak Benuaq and Dayak Bahau tribes to get a stronger insight into the local culture, as well as engaging in discussions with local weavers about the elements of traditional myths that could be adapted into for clothing patterns.
“The seven-day stay in East Kalimantan was carefully prepared; as the students gained a lot of knowledge from local weavers about the making of apparel, and how to apply the natural beauty of the flora and fauna as the inspiration in designing ready-to-wear clothing for this Jakarta Fashion Week 2014,” Ratna Dewi Paramita, program coordinator of Fashion Management at BINUS INTERNATIONAL.
The participation of BINUS INTERNATIONAL Fashion Design and Fashion Management at Jakarta Fashion Week over the last two years is seeking to enhance the students’ talents and benefit from using local tropes in the Indonesian fashion industry.
On this occasion, BINUS INTERNATIONAL featured 48 contemporary fashion designs for ready-to-wear clothing. “All of them are the masterpieces of 13 students from Fashion Design and Fashion Management at BINUS INTERNATIONAL. The students, who are in their fifth semester, are Gendis Mayangsari, Rianti Dwiastuti, Ines Valentia, Aisya Putri, Claresta Pitojo, Natasha Amanda, Kezia Silanu, Hana Farhana, Zanetha Labianka, Zihan, Widya Rahmaningrum, Risya Novia Permata Sari and Priscilla Nauli,” explained Amanda Prihutomo, program coordinator of Fashion Design at BINUS INTERNATIONAL, explained.
The fashion major at BINUS INTERNATIONAL was established in 2010 and is the first undergraduate study in fashion education in Indonesia, featuring two programs, namely: Fashion Design and Fashion Management. Both programs enable students to earn dual degrees in four years without having to go abroad.
The dual-degree program for the fashion major at BINUS INTERNATIONAL collaborates with Northumbria University (United Kingdom). This reputable university has the oldest fashion program in the United Kingdom.
In maintaining the quality of learning, the audit team from the partner university visits BINUS INTERNATIONAL to deliver workshop and assessment for the students and lecturers. (Karunia Fransiska)