Maret 19 , 2012 – Maret 22 , 2012
Background and Objective
BINUS INTERNATIONAL holds the BINUS INTERNATIONAL Week 2012 in order to enrich students’ experiences during their study at BINUS INTERNATIONAL by providing more opportunities to learn about the business world, culture, and networking. BI wants to give them a different atmosphere from the regular teaching week. During BINUS INTERNATIONAL Week, there will be no regular classes. The students are free to join any activities available in that week.
So far, the available activities include guest lectures, info session for studying abroad and exchange programs, company visits, city tour, exhibition, movie screenings and gatherings. Students’ clubs are invited to showcase their programs/activities as well.
Day 1 : Monday, 19 March 2012
No | Time | Activity | Venue | Remarks |
1 | 09.00-15.30 | Students’ Work Exhibition | Back Lobby | |
2 | 09.00-12.00 | Company Visit to Microsoft Indonesia | Microsoft Office | Compulsory for IS students batch 2013, 2014, 2015 (*) and Open for other Schools’ students |
3 | 09.30-11.30 | Info Session : Study in the Netherlands by Neso Indonesia | R. 301-302 | Compulsory for IB Students (**) (***) and Open for other Schools’ students |
4 | 10.00-12.00 | Talk show : The Future of Tourism in Global and Indonesia with Mr. Alistair Speirs, Mr. Jim Weston, and Mr. Jim Hogan | R. 310 | Compulsory for all HTM students and Open for other Schools’ students |
5 | 10.00-12.00 | Hands on Activities on Cloud Technology | R. 404 – 405 (Lab) | Compulsory for 4 th & 6 th semester CS students and Open for other Schools’ students |
6 | 10.00-12.00* | Company Visit to Garuda Indonesia : Sales & Marketing | GA Office-CGK | Compulsory for students taking International Marketing and Service Marketing courses and Open for other Schools’ students |
7 | 12.30-16.30 | DSLR Workflow Workshop by Robin Moran ( Director & Editor) | R. 400 | Compulsory for students taking FM221, FM222 , FM125 and Open for other Schools’ students |
8 | 13.30-15.30 | Free Language Training : Mandarin | R. 302 | Compulsory for IB Students (**) (***) and Open for other Schools’ students |
9 | 13.30-15.30 |
R.310 | Compulsory for all Fashion Design and Fashion Management students(****) and Open for other Schools’ students |
Additional Information :
* The attendance is worth 2 points that will be added to your mid exam (or midterm project) mark for IS105 & AD403 (Batch 2015), IS211 (Batch 2014) and IS306 (Batch 2013)
** MK105, 02PAU and 02PBU, each attendance worth 2 additional points for assignments.
** IB302 and AC112 students are required to attend 2 classes between info sessions and language training classes in the week.
IB203- 04PAU are required to choose 2 language classes out of 4, to get additional 2 points for final exam
****Each attendance is worth 2.5 points to be added to your mid exam mark for FA112, FA206 and FA221
Day 2 : Tuesday, 20 March 2012
No | Time | Activity | Venue | Remarks |
1 | 09.00-15.30 | Students’ Work Exhibition | Back Lobby | |
2 | 09.00-12.00 | Company Visit to Yahoo! Indonesia | Yahoo! Office | Compulsory for IS students batch 2013, 2014, 2015 (*) and Open for other Schools’ students |
3 | 09.00-15.00 | City Tour : Kota Tua and Jakarta City | Off campus | Compulsory for all HTM students and Exchange Students except those who have to attend another event due to course assignment |
4 | 09.30-11.30 | Info Session : Study in Germany by DAAD | R. 310 | Compulsory for IB Students (**) (***) and Open for other Schools’ students |
5 | 10.00-12.00 | Presentation from MINI on Its Innovation Strategy and Brand Development | Front Lobby | Compulsory for students taking Consumer Behavior and International Marketing Courses and Open for other Schools’ students |
6 | 13.30-15.30 | Free Language Training : German | R. 302 | Compulsory for IB Students (**) (***) and Open for other Schools’ students |
7 | 13.30-16.00 |
R. 310 | Compulsory for all Fashion Design and Fashion Management students(****)and Open for other Schools’ students |
Additional Information :
* The attendance is worth 2 points that will be added to your mid exam (or midterm project) mark for IS105 & AD403 (Batch 2015), IS211 (Batch 2014) and IS306 (Batch 2013)
** MK105, 02PAU and 02PBU, each attendance is worth 2 additional points for assignments.
*** IB302 and AC112 students are required to attend 2 classes between info sessions and language training classes in the week –
IB203- 04PAU are required to choose 2 language classes out of 4, to get an additional 2 points for final exam
****Each attendance is worth 2.5 points to be added to your mid exam mark for FA112, FA206 and FA221
Day 3 : Wednesday, 21 March 2012
No | Time | Activity | Venue | Remarks |
1 | 09.00-15.30 | Students’ Work Exhibition | Back Lobby | |
2 | 09.00-15.00 | City Tour : TMII and Bogor | Off Campus | Compulsory for all HTM students and Exchange Students except those who have to attend another event due to course assignment |
3 | 09.30-11.30 | Info Session : Study in New Zealand by New Zealand Embassy | R. 212 | Compulsory for IB Students (*) (**) and Open for other Schools’ students |
4 | 10.00-13.00 | Launching Chamber of Ken-Owledge: An Exclusive Entrepreneurship Workshop conducted by Kaskus CEO | R. 310 | Compulsory for those who have submitted the paper, IS students batch 2013, 2014, 2015 (***) and Open for other Schools’ students |
5 | 10.00-12.00 | Alumni Sharing Session | R. 201-202 | Compulsory for 4 th & 6 th semester CS students and Open for other Schools’ students |
6 | 13.30-15.30 |
R. 303 | Compulsory for all Communication students especially for Media Industry Seminar and Open for other Schools’ students |
7 | 13.30-15.30 | Free Language Class : Japanese | R. 307 | Compulsory for IB Students (*) (**) and Open for other Schools’ students |
Additional Information :
* MK105, 02PAU and 02PBU, each attendance is worth 2 additional points for assignments.
** IB302 and AC112 students are required to attend 2 classes between info sessions and language training classes in the week –
IB203- 04PAU are required to choose 2 language classes out of 4, to get an additional 2 points for final exam
*** The attendance is worth 2 points that will be added to your mid exam (or midterm project) mark for IS105 & AD403 (Batch 2015), IS211 (Batch 2014) and IS306 (Batch 2013)
Day 4 : Thursday, 22 March 2012
No | Time | Activity | Venue | Remarks |
1 | 09.00-15.30 | Students’ Work Exhibition | Back Lobby | |
2 | 08.00-16.00 | Company Visit to BCA Call Center | BCA Office | Compulsory for students taking CRM and Supply Chain, optional for IS students (***) and Open for other Schools’ students |
3 | 09.00-12.00 |
R. 303 | Compulsory for all Communication students especially for Media Industry Seminar and Open for other Schools’ students |
4 | 09.30-11.30 | Info Session : Study in Australia by AusTrade | R. 212 | Compulsory for IB Students (*) (**) and Open for other Schools’ students |
5 | 09.30-14.00 | Company Visit to MSIG- Short Session on Investment | MSIG Office | Compulsory for 4 th Semester Accounting & Finance Students and Open for other Schools’ students |
6 | 10.00-12.00 | IBM CMO Study: Prepare for Complexity from Digital EraBy Charles Djendu – Senior Engagement Manager Global Business Service, IBM Singapore | R. 201-202 | Compulsory for IS students batch 2013, 2014, 2015 (***) and Open for other Schools’ students |
7 | 13.30-15.30 | Free Language Training : Korean | R. 201 | Compulsory for IB Students (*) (**) and Open for other Schools’ students |
8 | 13.30-15.30 | Info Session : Summer Course and Exchange Program by International Office | R. 302 | Open for all BI Students |
9 | 13.30- 16.30 |
R. 310 | Compulsory for all Communication students and Open for other Schools’ students |
Additional Information :
*MK105, 02PAU and 02PBU, each attendance worth 2 additional points for assignments.
** IB302 and AC112 students are required to attend 2 classes between info sessions and language training classes in the week –
IB203- 04PAU are required to choose 2 language classes out of 4, to get an additional 2 points for final exam
*** The attendance is worth 2 points that will be added to your mid exam (or midterm project) mark for IS105 & AD403 (Batch 2015), IS211 (Batch 2014) and IS306 (Batch 2013)