International Academic on Contemporary Art and Design Exhibition (INACADE) is an international academic exhibition on contemporary art and design initiated by the School of Design – Binus University.


INACADE 2022 is the second activity for exhibition and seminar, with theme which is called PERANAKAN.

The exhibition is held at two separate locations which are

Binus Alam Sutera 1-10 November 2022

Guangxi University, Cina 1-10 November 2022


4 lecturers of GDNM were participated in this INACADE exhibition and presented their 6 showcases that can be accessed through this link:


  1. Vera Jenny Basiroen:
  1. Bayu Dirgantoro – Floating Lanterns:
  2. Mita Purbasari –You and Me:
  3. Damba Permatasakti – Alied: