Shaping Agile Collaborators

A group picture from the event

The ability to move quickly is a superpower!  It is the ability to quickly adapt, move, think, and analyze situations. Practicing this ability can help students be better prepared for collaboration possibilities in both new and familiar settings. Agility, when approached correctly, can help people discover new opportunities and achieve their goals more quickly.

On 17 November 2023, Aston Utan, Co-founder of Common Grounds Coffee, delivered an enlightening conversation on collaboration at Binus JWC Campus. Common Grounds Coffee has worked with companies ranging from footwear to banking, including New Balance, Columbia, Museum Macan, North Face, and BRI.  Aston addressed the differences across industries and the obstacles they encounter when doing business in his talk. “We are not making money from this collaboration, that was not the goal, but we want to create brand awareness, “he stated.

Four important key strategies to shape agile collaborators:

  1. Create a Collaborative Culture

Encourage open communication and transparency among team members. Create an environment in which team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, opinions, and concerns. Place a premium on collaboration above individual accomplishments.

  1. Adaptability

In order to respond successfully to changing requirements and objectives, we must have an adaptive attitude. Encourage adaptability and the ability to accept change. Develop a mindset that sees problems as chances for growth.

  1. Clear Communication

Maintain open, transparent, and effective communication channels. Use collaborative technologies that allow for real-time conversation and exchange of information. To keep everyone informed and aligned, hold regular team meetings, stand-ups, and retrospectives.

  1. Lifelong Learning

Encourage a culture of lifelong learning and progress. Stress the significance of learning from both successes and mistakes.

The occasion would be incomplete without coffee from Common Grounds. After the insightful session, all participants can enjoy their preferred coffee, which has been carefully prepared by Aston and his team.


Contributor: Dian Sarwono

Editor: Dian Sarwono