Nosa Nurmanda (
Msi. Cultural Anthropology, Universitas Indonesia (2012)
S.Hum. English Department, Universitas Indonesia (2007)
Nosa Nurmanda is a literature and theater critic, stage actor, anthropologist and documentary filmmaker. He has been actively involved with Teater Sastra UI (one of the oldest active university based theater group in Indonesia) since 2005, and has been performing in Indonesia’s national stage, Graha Bakti Budaya Taman Ismail Marzuki, annually. He is also one of the initiators and writer of Teatron Magazine, the first Theater Magazine published by Jakarta Art Council in 2007. His post-graduate thesis focuses on performance and globalization in peasant community in Tutup Ngisor, Merapi Mountain central Java. With other anthropologists, he worked on several ethnographic films such as ‘Cleaning the Blizzard’ (2011) on Corruption of School Operational Funds in Lampung, Sumatera and ‘Kewapante’ (2012) on the conflict between state and locals in traditional market relocation in Sikka, Flores.
Academic Publication
Jurnalisme Sastrawi: Antara Fiksi dan Fakta, Antara Seniman dan Wartawan (Literary Journalism: Between Fiction and Fact; Artist and Journalist) (2008), in “Jurnal Susastra Vol. IV No. 2, 2008.” Edited by I. Yudhi Soenarto, MA. Published by Yayasan Obor, Jakarta.
Tiga Film Pertama Joko Anwar: Kebebasan Kreasi di Perfilman Indonesia Pasca-Soeharto (Three Early Films of Joko Anwar: Freedom of Creation in the Post Soeharto Indonesia) (2011), in “Mau Dibawa Kemana Sinema Kita? Beberapa Wacana Seputar Film Indonesia\”. Edited by Ekky Imanjaya. Published by Binus Publishing.
Stage Experience
Alex in “Komedi Anti Porno”, Teater Sastra UI, directed by I. Yudhi Soenarto. Teater Kecil, Taman Ismail Marzuki, 2006.
Andi in “Sayang Aku HIV; Kamu Ngapain Aja?”, Teater Sastra UI, directed by I. Yudhi Soenarto. Teater Kecil, Taman Ismail Marzuki, 2008.
Malcolm, Prince of Cumberland in “William Shakespeare’s Macbeth” Teater Sastra UI, directed by I. Yudhi Soenarto. Graha Bakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki, 2009.
Mad Scientist in “Sketsa Robot”, Teater Sastra UI, directed by I. Yudhi Soenarto. Graha Bakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki, 2010.
Bruce Wong, CIA Agent in “Baju Baru Sang Raja”, Teater Sastra UI, directed by I. Yudhi Soenarto. Graha Bakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki, 2011.
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