People Innovation Excellence



Bernadetta Diah Aryani (

MA, Communication, Universitas Indonesia (2005)

BA, International Relations, Universitas Padjadjaran (2002)


Before became full time academician, most of Bernadetta Aryani\’s career was spent on journalism, mainly as editorial staff for Reader\’s Digest Indonesia from 2006 to 2010. Though working in the most read magazine in the world, she still pursue her passion in film by assisting in various researches in Indonesian cinema. In fact, her master thesis investigates how film become a media of social struggle for marginalized people in Indonesia. Beyond film, she has tons of other activities and interests with different medium choices: Once she was working in a major publishing company in Indonesia, teaching  communication in different Jakarta universities, taking photographs, and (is still, morally) managing a pop band which requires her to travel out of town or out of country from time to time. Today, she is writing her research paper on one of her (almost) lifetime passion: K-pop invasion.

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