BINUS INTERNATIONAL Introduces a World-Class Academic Program at BINUS INTERNATIONAL Day 2018

BINUS INTERNATIONAL held the BINUS INTERNATIONAL Day on Saturday, 27 October 2018, at BINUS JWC Campus, Senayan, Jakarta. BINUS INTERNATIONAL Day is an annual event where the participants, including high school students and parents, can obtain deeper information about the world-class academic program at BINUS INTERNATIONAL, as well as consult with the faculties about their academic plans, discuss their future plans through a Tes Bakat Indonesia and Character Assessment session, and experience a classroom setting through several workshops.
Started from 10 AM, this event was opened with an introductory session about the international program at BINUS INTERNATIONAL and Parents Session with the topic of how to avoid choosing a wrong academic major in university. During this session, the speaker from Tes Bakat Indonesia explained that there are four steps for choosing the right major: explore (help the children to know their 3P), planning the future through education (choose the right majors and university), open the mindset (broaden the knowledge and network), and start today.
The Parents Session was followed with a workshop session for the children. The workshop was divided into six sessions, each according to the children’s interests and every major at BINUS INTERNATIONAL. The six workshops were Ethics and Barrier International Trade by the International Business program, Business Plan Model by the Business Management and Marketing program, 101 Game Design and Development by the Computer Science program, Be the Next CFO by the International Accounting and Finance program, Creative Content Social Media by the Communications program, and Business Application Development by the Business Information Systems program.
In this event, the parents could also discuss with the faculty members and Tes Bakat Indonesia. They could discuss various topics such as how to deal with their children’s future, how to understand the children’s potentials, and many more.