Frank, the Manager of Language Center, delivered his opening address.

Prof. Hideyuki Nakashima delivered the first presentation

Dr. Toar Simakul delivered his presentation

Question and Answer session

On Wednesday, December 6, 2023, Language Center, together with English Department and Japanese Department, sponsored an online workshop, “Artificial Intelligence: Ethics on Research and Education.” Moderator and English lecturer, Michael Setiawan introduced Binus Senayan Language Center head Dr. Frank Talaue who welcomed the distinguished guest experts: from Indonesia Dr. Dian Toar Y. G. Sumakul from Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana and from Japan Dr. Hideyuki Nakashima, president of Sapporo City University. Over 600 people joined and were impressed with the expertise of the two guests. They explained the situation in the past and how things have rapidly changed in the last few years and even months. They both knowledgably discussed how students and researchers have been using AI and the likely future. Both men showed clear understanding of the complex situation which is of keen interest to many students and teachers around the world.

The well-informed professors made clear insights and useful analogies. For example, the comparison to other, older technology, like that some of our oldest tools, knives and fire can be very helpful or used for destruction. They mentioned old films like Terminator and 2001, A Space Odyssey that warned us of technology used for evil, nefarious purposes.