Just as the introductory paragraph functions to open the essay discussion by introducing the topic and the central idea (thesis statement), so the concluding paragraph wraps up the discussion, brings the development to a logical end. If the developmental paragraphs have done their job, that is, developed the thesis statement, then the conclusion should follow logically.

But what does one say in the conclusion? What is said depends entirely on what was developed in the essay. However, there is a standard approach to writing concluding paragraphs. Here are some points about conclusions.

  1. A conclusion can restate the main points (subtopics) discussed. This restatement should be brief. After all, you have already discussed them at length.
  2. A conclusion can restate the thesis statement. Generally, to avoid sounding repetitious, it is a good idea to restate the thesis in different words. The restatement of the thesis statement is really a reassertion of its importance or validity.
  3. A conclusion should not, however, bring up a new topic.
  4. A conclusion can also tell why what you have discussed is important, or it can discuss consequences briefly, or it can give brief suggestions or solutions.

For example, an essay about the nice things to see in Mexico could conclude as follows:

There are, of course, many more things to visit while you are in Mexico, but the beach at Progresso, the Aztec ruins, and the famous monument represent some of the more significant and beautiful sights to see. When you go to Mexico, visit these sights and you will be guaranteed a fond memory after you go home.

A concluding paragraph about allowing students to manage the bookstore might look like this:

Providing jobs for students would help cut the cost of managing the bookstore, and would provide on-the-job experience that can only enhance the university’s reputation for producing knowledgeable graduates. These are excellent reasons for allowing students to manage the bookstore, and it is amazing that such a system is not in practice now.

Here is an example of a concluding paragraph with a restatement and a recommendation:

Singaporeans have much more to learn about their automobiles than they think. It takes a good deal of research and advice from other people in order to get acquainted with the basics of a car. It also requires the car owner to confront his or her fears about fixing one’s vehicle and to take a risk in doing so. Finally, the car owner must be wise in choosing the type of mechanic to work on one’s car when the problems become too large for the owner to handle. All of these steps are absolutely essential to follow if Singaporeans ever want to get beyond their usual lack of knowledge about automobiles.