Another example of a funnel method:

            “The number of cars that are mass-produced today is astounding. More than 200 million are produced every year throughout the world. The number of automobiles that are owned by people in America is equally staggering. Over 100 million Americans own at least one automobile and over twenty million families in America own at least two. Despite the amount of producing and selling of cars in this modern age, however, only one out of every twenty Americans knows the mechanics of his or her vehicle. This has led to America’s naïve dependency on the advice of costly auto mechanics. It is time for America to realize its problem and to begin learning about correct motor vehicle maintenance.”

Examples of introductory paragraphs using quotations:

  1. “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” This thought by John Milton was recorded over four-hundred years ago, but it’s still timely for us today. He seems to be saying that we are the ones to control our lives. We can be miserable when things are going well, just as we can be happy when things are going wrong. With this thought in mind, we can control the way we face life through our attitude, our determination, and our ability.
  2. French epicure Anthelme Brillat-Savarin remarked two hundred years ago, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” This relationship between good health and diet has been confirmed by modern science. Millions of Americans suffer from obesity, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and food allergies – all ailments linked to ingredients in our food products. Consequently, four out of five U.S. adults indicate they pay attention to the ingredient lists and nutritional information on food labels, and two out of three say they use the information to avoid or limit their consumption of certain items. Learn to eat healthier by reading the label.

An example of an introductory paragraph using a turnabout method:

            “Like most people, for many years I remained frightened of a laser, perceiving it as a deadly device capable of enormous destruction. I recall a scene in a James Bond movie, Goldfinger, in which Bond, who was tied to a table, was nearly sliced in half by a laser beam. Since then, other films and television shows have fueled my fear of the laser by showing mad scientists who wanted to take over the world threatening to use huge laser devices to wipe out towns and strategic defense areas. Although the laser does have tremendous potential for destruction, my unreasonable fear of the laser is fading. In recent years, scientists have found that the laser has a wide variety of applications, making it one of the most important inventions in the last quarter of the century for improving our quality of life.”

An example of an introductory paragraph using a dramatic entrance method:

            “Patricia Morris is a typical American consumer. Each time she shops at her neighborhood supermarket, she wants to purchase delicious, nutritionally adequate food at a reasonable price. Therefore, like many other consumers, Patricia reads food labels and compares shops. In fact, four out of five U.S. adults indicate they “pay attention” to the ingredients and nutritional information on food labels. Until recently, understanding that information was a serious challenge for consumers. However, the Food and Drug Administration has established new rules governing what and how nutritional information is presented to consumers. Now it is possible to learn to eat healthier by reading the label.”

Now read the following introductory paragraphs. All of these paragraphs have the same thesis statement. Which type of introductory paragraph does each of these paragraphs use?

            “For most young couples, married life is wonderful. Although work may separate them for a few hours most days, the rest of their life is often shared – dinner, dancing, movies, parties, vacations, whatever they like to do, they get to do it together. And then comes a baby! Soon they will realize that a baby is an adult’s first taste of hell.”

            “Most people love babies. Parents show off their baby’s pictures. Politicians hold and kiss them. We smile when we see them. But this love for babies doesn’t make sense. A baby is an adult’s first taste of hell.”

            “I was sleeping soundly, as I always do, but suddenly I had a sharp pain in my arm. I dreamed that a student was smashing my right arm with a hammer, but I awoke to hear my wife say, ‘He’s awake again, and I’m too tired. You rock him.’ So I got up and rocked and rocked. Rocking Joko to sleep, while trying to stay awake myself, wasn’t easy. It was then that I realized that a baby is an adult’s first taste of hell.”