The thesis statement is the main statement for the entire essay. But where should the thesis statement be placed? Although there is no law that requires the thesis statement to be put in any particular place, the thesis statement is usually in the introductory paragraph. After all, the thesis statement is the statement that the developmental paragraphs are going to explore. But where in the introduction should the thesis statement be put? Before answering this question, look at the characteristics of an introductory paragraph.

  1. An introductory paragraph should introduce the topic. Do not forget that the introductory paragraph is the first thing that the reader sees. Obviously this paragraph should inform the reader of the topic being discussed.
  2. An introductory paragraph should indicate generally how the topic is going to be developed. A good introductory paragraph should indicate whether the essay is going to discuss causes, effects, reasons, or examples; whether the essay is going to classify, describe, narrate, or explain a process.
  3. Generally speaking, an introductory paragraph should contain the thesis statement. This is a general rule, of course. In more sophisticated writing, the thesis statement sometimes appears later in the essay, sometimes even at the end. In some cases, too, the thesis is just implied. For class essays, however, it is a good idea to state the thesis clearly in the introduction.
  4. Ideally, an introductory paragraph should be inviting; that is, it should be interesting enough to make the reader want to continue reading. Since the introductory paragraph functions to introduce the topic and since the introductory paragraph should be inviting, it makes good sense not to put the thesis statement right at the beginning of the introductory paragraph. Not only should you introduce the topic before you state an opinion about it (the thesis statement), but you should try to entice the reader to continue after reading the first sentence. Stating an opinion about something in the first sentence is not usually very inviting. In fact, if the reader disagrees with the opinion, it may very well discourage him or her from reading your essay. Therefore, it is generally a good idea to place the thesis statement at or near the end of the introductory paragraph.