On Friday, July 11, 2024, EPSO students and their parents gathered for an informative briefing hosted by the Language Center (LC). Frank, Manager of the Language Center (LC), meticulously outlined the EPSO program’s structure, objectives, and the extensive support it offers to learners.

Frank kicked off the session by introducing EPSO. This intensive English language program is designed to enhance students’ language skills, boost their confidence, and prepare them for academic success. Attendees learned about the program’s structure, including the duration, class schedules, and curriculum. EPSO offers a comprehensive approach, covering grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

Parents appreciated the transparent communication and the clear roadmap for their children’s educational journey. On the other hand, students were eager to embark on this new adventure.

Frank also emphasized the program’s commitment to fostering a supportive learning environment. The briefing room was then filled with enthusiasm as students and parents asked questions.

As the briefing concluded, it was evident that the EPSO program is more than just an academic course—it’s a community geared towards building confidence, competence, and connections in the global landscape. After the briefing, Marissa, LC Services Staff, patiently addressed each query from some students and parents, leaving attendees excited about the program’s possibilities.

The EPSO briefing was a resounding success, igniting students’ passion for language learning. One statement about EPSO: “EPSO isn’t just about English—it’s about opening doors to a world of opportunities.”