Turnitin is a tool that helps BINUS University to ensure academic integrity and prevent plagiarism. It also helps lecturers and students to improve their writing skills and feedback. In this blog post, we will share some useful tips on how to use Turnitin effectively.

For lecturers, Turnitin can help you to check the originality of your students’ assignments, provide feedback and grading, and manage your classes online. You can access Turnitin through the link below, where you will find a step-by-step guide on how to create an account, set up a class, create an assignment, and view the similarity reports and feedback.

Turnitin Guide for Lecturers

For students, Turnitin can help you to submit your assignments online, check your similarity score, and receive feedback and grades from your lecturers. You can access Turnitin through the link below, where you will find a step-by-step guide on how to create an account, enroll in a class, submit an assignment, and view the similarity reports and feedback.

Turnitin Guide for Students

If you have any questions or concerns about Turnitin and its use, please feel free to contact Michael Setiawan at msetiawan.jwc@binus.edu or Language Center at lc.senayan@binus.edu.