Experience In Indonesia

Everything gets off to a good start. Greater excitement more happiness. My name is Anusya Saravanan. You probably are all curious about the reason I decided to visit Indonesia. As a student who is currently in the 5th semester, I intended to participate in the student exchange program in Binus, which is located in Indonesia. I believed that by participating in this program, not only would I be able to get knowledge about the histories of various nations, but also I would be able to learn about other cultures and beliefs. It took one month of planning and preparation for my trip to Indonesia. I was a little bit anxious. The day before I arrived in Indonesia, I was feeling somewhat downhearted since I missed my family and my homeland. However, everything starts out on a positive note.

When I relocated to Indonesia, the sole motto I carried with me was “New Location, New Beginning.” As soon as I landed in Indonesia, I immediately put it into practice. It would appear that everything was operating in a really pleasant and smooth fashion. After getting back together with my ibuddies, we all made our way to the apartment that we had planned ahead of time to rent for a duration of half a year. As I made my way to the apartment, I had the opportunity to observe how crowded Jakarta truly is as well as several novel kinds of transportation, such as the “bajaj.” The defining moment demonstrated that the flat was not an appropriate living space for the both of us to share together. The disappointing truth ultimately triumphs over our erroneous anticipations. The flat that we picked out was not a good match for us. The atmosphere was very strange, and not only was it not safe, but it was also not very comfortable. We spent the entire day looking for a new place to stay, but since we were exhausted, we decided to sleep instead. I was surprised to see that the sun rises so early here, and after waking up, we discussed our options and decided that we would relocate to BSQ. At this point in time, my anticipations have been met, I have discovered serenity in BSQ, and it is truly more comfortable. I am overjoyed to report that I am unharmed, and it is a relief to know that I do not have any further cause for concern over my well-being. I have a delicious lunch in Jakarta, which consisted of my all-time favorite chicken teriyaki at BSQ. When I think back to the first day I spent in Jakarta, I can’t help but be reminded of the chicken teriyaki that I had for lunch on that very first day.

The instant I joined BSQ, I was greeted with such warmth by my fellow ibuddies, the wounds from what occurred to me begin to heal. We have completed all of the necessary procedures, such as purchasing a SIM card, important and necessary items, and food. On the third day of my stay, I make the acquaintance of many students from other countries, and despite my anxiety, I was able to strike up conversations with them. I found that getting to meet new people and learning some new languages, such as “bonjour,” “selamat siang,” and “pa,” was a great deal of pleasure. After our orientation week, we had a week of vacation time, which we spent going to different places, and I was surprised to find an aquarium in the shopping mall during our trip. It came as quite a shock to me, and it baffled me that they were able to construct such large retail malls, as well as the fact that so many people frequently visit them.

Following a week off for the holidays, it was now time to get back on schedule. The primary reason for our trip to Indonesia, aside from the opportunity to sightsee in a few other locations. I have recently begun attending school, and the locations of my lessons are Anggrek, Senayan, and Alam Sutera. I’m trying my best to learn Bahasa Indonesia, and I’m trying my best to meet new students, and I’m trusting that the process will work out. Each and every campus of Binus gives the biggest surprise and new experiences whenever students enter classes and meet local students in addition to international students. Each and every campus of Binus gives the biggest surprise and new experiences.

No matter what it was, the experience in and of itself was difficult for me, and I felt lonely the moment of meeting my loved ones back. There is no one alongside me whenever I am going through the most difficult times of my life, whenever I am under stress, and whenever I believe that I am not doing okay. I miss them so much, and I am waiting for the moment to meet them again in February while holding back my tears.