
The 2016 Academic English 2 Inter-class Debate champions were crowned on Wednesday June 1. They were Kunaal, Juliani and Fabio from class L2AB, here seen with their lecturer Cynthia, and their opponent from class L2BC, Darrian, Michael and Jason.

The debate is really exciting, since both of the classes was Cynthia students. The motion for this final debate was ‘THBT further research into the development of AI would result in more harm than good. 

This year’s debate championship had 14 groups of participants from the Academic English 2 classes. They were chosen from the internal debating they had in their class, and the winners of each got to represent their class in the championship.

While for inter-class presentation this semester, the winner is from class L2AF, Chon Hye Kyoung.WP_20160527_11_12_33_Pro