
Guest Lecture in Intermediate Accounting Class

Guest Lecture in Intermediate Accounting Class

Grab Akselerator UMKM Kota Mapan

Grab Akselerator UMKM Kota Mapan

A Series of International Lecture Week Webinars

A Series of International Lecture Week Webinars

Moderator at Kementerian PPN/ Bappenas Webinar

Moderator at Kementerian PPN/ Bappenas Webinar

Empowering Festival 2021: Empowering Society, Building the Nation

Empowering Festival 2021: Empowering Society, Building the Nation

Guest Lecture in Principles of Accounting Class

Guest Lecture in Principles of Accounting Class

Guest Lecture in Advanced Accounting Class

Guest Lecture in Advanced Accounting Class

A Series of FYP Events: Academic Experience and Sharing Sessions

A Series of FYP Events: Academic Experience and Sharing Sessions

Best Graduate Appreciation Event

Best Graduate Appreciation Event

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