Binus International Finance Program Hosts Successful Guest Lecture on Sustainable Finance by Alumna Ms. Irene Oscarin

Jakarta, Indonesia – 24th June 2024

The Binus Finance International Programme at Binus International recently hosted a successful guest lecture on Sustainable Finance delivered by distinguished alumna Ms. Irene Oscarin. Ms. Oscarin, currently an Investment Associate at Climate Fund Managers, shared her expertise with students enrolled in the Corporate Finance Management course on June 24, 2024.

The lecture “Investing for a Sustainable Future” explored the growing importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in investment decisions. Ms. Oscarin provided insights into how companies integrate sustainability into their strategies and how investors increasingly seek opportunities that align with a sustainable future. Ms Oscarin further explained the interconnection of sustainable finance and UN Sustainable Development Growth (SDG). She also shared a case study of her project that embedded ESG in the project valuation

Binus International Fosters Learning Through Alumni Engagement

The Binus Finance International Programme actively fosters learning and engagement through guest lectures by accomplished alumni. Ms. Oscarin’s lecture provided students with valuable real-world perspectives on the evolving landscape of corporate finance and the significance of sustainable practices.

About Ms. Irene Oscarin

Ms. Irene Oscarin is a graduate of the Binus Finance International Programme at Binus International. Since graduation, she has built a successful career in sustainable finance, currently working as an Investment Associate at Climate Fund Managers.

About the Binus Finance International Programme

The Binus Finance International Programme equips students with a comprehensive understanding of international financial concepts and practices. The program covers areas like financial management, investment analysis, and international finance. Guest lectures like Ms. Oscarin’s offer students valuable insights from industry leaders and help them prepare for successful careers in the ever-evolving financial world.