Special Tax Chaturday

On 4 September 2021, our Accounting Students Club (ASC) organised a Special Tax Chaturday online webinar on Indonesia Taxation Updates. The speaker of this event was Mr. Andi Kieputera, our alumni who currently is a partner at PB Taxand, a premier tax and financial advisory services provider in Indonesia. He has been working in the taxation profession for almost 14 years. This event was moderated by Mr. Hansi Joachim, our associate faculty member. In this event, the discussion focused on the Omnibus Law – Taxation Cluster topic. Some of the discussed points were:
- Background of the Omnibus Law
- Landscape of implementing regulation
- Tax penalties
- Corporate income tax
- Dividends
- Reinvestment requirement
- Input VAT
- Tax invoice
This event was attended by more than 250 participants and some of them eagerly asked several questions. At the end of the session, the committee conducted a short game using Kahoot, of which the three winners would receive Gopay e-money. We hope that this event would enlighten the participants on the topic of Omnibus Law and its taxation impacts. See you on our next event!
Mr. Andi Kieputra, delivering his presentation
Our moderator, Mr. Hansi Joachim
Opening remarks by our Dean, Mr. Gatot Soepriyanto, PhD.
Our MC, Angie and Michelle, from Binusian 2024
Games using Kahoot, delivered by Syntha and Vita, from Binusian 2023
Certificate of appreciation presented to our speaker by Clara, the ASC president