Paper Presentation at the 6th ICIMTech 2021

19-20 August 2021 marked the 6th International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech), which is held annually by the School of Information Systems of Bina Nusantara University. This year, the theme of the conference is Fostering Digital Transformation of Society.
In this event, several of our faculty members presented their papers:
- Valentina Tohang – paper title An Empirical Study on Customer Acceptance of FinTech 3.0 in Private Banking, co-written with Ahmad Seiichi Ramadhan and Vincentius Djajadiningrat
- Rosaline Tandiono – paper title The Significance of Technology and Digital Game-Based Learning in Accounting Education: A Narrative Literature Review
- Amelia Limijaya – paper title An Analysis on the Effect of E-Banking on Bank Performance in Indonesia, co-written with Marlina Evian and Yanthi Hutagaol-Martowidjojo