Journey to the Top

On 7 June 2021, our program in collaboration with CIDER (Center for Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship & Research) of Binus University International, held a webinar titled Journey to the Top. We invited our alumni, Kevin Susanto, to be the speaker in this event and share his journey of becoming an entrepreneur. Currently, Kevin is the CEO of Envigo and Goola. Recently, his achievement as a successful entrepreneur is acknowledged by being awarded Forbes 30 under 30 and Prestige 40 under 40. Among others, in this session Kevin shared to the audience where his inspiration came from, what motivated him to become an entrepreneur, and how his business has been expanding. Kevin also shared some “must have“ of becoming an entrepreneur: confidence, good products, good network, and strong mentality. The desire of becoming an entrepreneur led Kevin to study accounting and finance at our program, because he believes that to become a successful entrepreneur, you must master your numbers. We hope that this event would inspire other future entrepreneurs out there to start their journey to the top, just like Kevin.
Education background (Binus University International & Macquarie University)
Kevin explained about EnviGo
Kevin shared the story of Goola
Expansion of business to Gaaram