Greater Nusantara: Binus Scale-Up MSMEs Batch 1 Opening

27 May 2021 marked the opening session of one of our community development activities titled Greater Nusantara Binus Scale-Up MSMEs for batch 1. This project will run until the end of this year, with participants divided into 3 batches. The participants consist of MSMEs (micro, small, and medium enterprises) or UMKM (usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah) in Jakarta area. There are four topics to be covered in this project: financial reporting, accounting apps, cost of goods sold, and financing. Each topic will be delivered by the assigned facilitators (lecturers). After this opening session, the facilitators will then arrange the mentoring process with the allocated UMKM, with the help of several of our students who currently are taking the community development enrichment track. This project is a good opportunity for our students to experience and be exposed to the real business. We hope that we can assist the UMKM on each of the topic and that UMKM can realise the importance of financial reporting in general for the benefit of their business.
The facilitators (lecturers)
COGS session by Ibu Rosaline Tandiono and Ibu Amelia Limijaya
Funding session with Pak Ikhsan Modjo
Financial report session with Ibu Yanthi Hutagaol and Pak Hansi Joachim
Accounting apps session with Ibu Valentina Tohang