Focus Group Discussion on Finance Curriculum

On 19-20 March 2021, we organised two focus group discussion (FGD) sessions to get some insights in relation to the finance curriculum revision. There are two main factors that drive the need to change our curriculum, the first is the impact of industry 4.0. Over the past decade, technological innovations have transformed the financial services industry at a rapid pace, and “further disruption” has been confirmed. The new generation of financial technology (“FinTech”) impacts a variety of financial services, such as mobile payments, “cryptocurrencies”, foreign exchange, savings and investment, financial advice (robo-advisers), as well as insurance industry. The second driver comes from the Kampus Merdeka policy initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture, which is formulated to prepare graduates facing the real world.
In the first FGD session, we invited several participants coming from the industry/ professional association/ regulator background, such as OJK, Bank Indonesia, CFA Society Indonesia, and some banking practitioners. Meanwhile, the participants in the second FGD session were our alumni who are working in the banking industry, securities, as well consumer goods firms. Throughout these sessions, we gained a lot of valuable insights that will surely help us in designing our new curriculum. We sincerely thank all participants who were very helpful and enthusiastic during the FGD sessions, and willing to spend their time in the midst of their busyness.