Waste Management Webinar

As part of the alumni grant scheme received from Australia Awards Indonesia, Pak Ikhsan Modjo, PhD., our faculty member and his team organised a waste management webinar titled “Peran Serta Komunitas Gen Z-& Milenial dalam Pengelolaan Sampah dan Kepedulian Lingkungan untuk Menghadapi Perubahan Iklim”. This event was also conducted to commemorate Hari Peduli Sampah Nasional 2021. The main purposes of this webinar are:

  1. To uncover the problems and challenges surrounding waste and environment in Indonesia
  2. To motivate and encourage participants to understand the depth of environmental, sanitation, and waste management issues in Indonesia, especially in South Tangerang area
  3. To enlighten the participants on the real actions that they can do to contribute to the waste management improvement in Indonesia

There are several speakers in this event:

  1. Ganuardi Pradipta – Sustainability Practitioner
  2. Nara Ahirullah – Ketua Primer Koperasi Pengelolaan Sampah Surabaya
  3. Helda Fachri – Founder of Bank Sampah Jaya Danakirti
  4. Tantin Yasmine – Waste4Change Project Executive

As the advisor of Bank Sampah Jaya Danakirti, Pak Ikhsan gave his opening remarks at the beginning of the webinar.
