Waste Management Webinar

As part of the alumni grant scheme received from Australia Awards Indonesia, Pak Ikhsan Modjo, PhD., our faculty member and his team organised a waste management webinar titled “Peran Serta Komunitas Gen Z-& Milenial dalam Pengelolaan Sampah dan Kepedulian Lingkungan untuk Menghadapi Perubahan Iklim”. This event was also conducted to commemorate Hari Peduli Sampah Nasional 2021. The main purposes of this webinar are:
- To uncover the problems and challenges surrounding waste and environment in Indonesia
- To motivate and encourage participants to understand the depth of environmental, sanitation, and waste management issues in Indonesia, especially in South Tangerang area
- To enlighten the participants on the real actions that they can do to contribute to the waste management improvement in Indonesia
There are several speakers in this event:
- Ganuardi Pradipta – Sustainability Practitioner
- Nara Ahirullah – Ketua Primer Koperasi Pengelolaan Sampah Surabaya
- Helda Fachri – Founder of Bank Sampah Jaya Danakirti
- Tantin Yasmine – Waste4Change Project Executive
As the advisor of Bank Sampah Jaya Danakirti, Pak Ikhsan gave his opening remarks at the beginning of the webinar.