Odd Semester 2020/2021 Kick-Off Meeting

As the new semester (odd semester 2020/2021) is approaching, coordination is very essential to maintain the quality of teaching and learning process, especially in the current pandemic situation. Therefore, on 4 September 2020, we held a kick-off meeting to discuss how the odd semester 2020/2021 will run. This meeting was attended by the lecturers and teaching assistants who will teach in the upcoming semester. We will implement a what-so-called blended learning delivery, which is a combination of video conference, video-conference-based assignment, and discussion forum. In this meeting, Pak Gatot Soepriyanto, as the Dean of Faculty of Economics and Communication, also announced the best lecturer of even semester 2019/2020, which was awarded to Pak Ikhsan Modjo. Congratulations to Pak Ikhsan! Also, good luck for all the lecturers who will teach in the upcoming semester!