A Series of FYP Sessions for Our Freshmen Students

This week, we conducted a series of FYP sessions for our freshmen, in particular the pre-class experience where they got a chance to experience how classes will be conducted in their first semester:

  1. 7 September 2020: Principles of Accounting

The speaker of this session was Ibu Yanthi R.I. Hutagaol, Ph.D. Principles of Accounting is one of the first semester courses, so through this session it is expected that students can get an overview of what they will learn in this course.



  1. 9 September 2020: Microeconomics

Pak Mohamad Ikhsan Modjo, Ph.D. delivered this session. Similar to Principles of Accounting, first semester students will also take Microeconomics course. Therefore, in this occasion Pak Ikhsan informed the students about the course structure.



  1. 10 September 2020: Business Accounting Topic

The last pre-class experience was on the topic of time value of money, delivered by Ibu Amelia Limijaya. This session was intended to give an introduction and overview of time value of money concept, which the students will learn in finance courses.

In addition to that, on 7 September 2020, there was also a session held with the representative from the University of Newcastle (UoN), Australia, our recent 4+0 partner. In this session, students were given explanations about:

  • The collaboration between Binus University International and the UoN
  • The UoN’s profile
  • Opportunities that students can get by participating in this program
  • The benefits of choosing this program: doble degrees (Binus + UoN) and multiple networking from Indonesia and Australia


Lastly, on 11 September 2020, there was a chat with the seniors as well as alumni on the topics of planning early for future success and making the most of university experience. The seniors (Nicholas, William, Aurel, Clara, and Jessie) shared about their experience in participating various competitions, student clubs, student activities, as well as their learning experience, including the streaming that they chose and the opportunity to become the TA (teaching assistant). The alumni (Arfian, Vino, Albert, and Monica) shared their working experience and the tips to become a successful professional.

