Thesis Supervisory Globally – Three Different Places, Different Time Availability, One Goal!

One of our faculty members, Ibu Yanthi, shares her experience as a thesis supervisor for our students. This semester’s supervisory process is quite different from previous semesters, as can be read below:
Thesis supervisory is always a special moment between thesis supervisor and his/her students. Not only they discuss about the thesis, but also, it is a time when they know each other more deeply.
Thesis supervisory in Even semester 2019/2020 is quite different from prior semesters, for three counts. Firstly, I have 3 thesis students residing in 3 different countries, then each student also has different time availability to finish the thesis. and lastly, we were doing the supervisory in the peculiar situation, Covid-19 pandemic. Thanks to the communication technology, we can do it well.
It is not an easy journey for Choi Jun Ha, as he also had only 3 months to finish his thesis, as he should go for his military service in South Korea. It is also not easy for Fransisca, since she is still studying some subjects in UNSW, Australia, and some independent classes from Binus Senayan.
Sarah also faces a tough difficulty level, since she is up to the challenge using an advanced statistical model. It is not easy for everyone, but everyone is doing their best to accomplish the task. When this news is uploaded, Jun Ha is already in his base camp somewhere in South Korea. Good luck, Jun! Sisca is still yet to have her proposal ready, and Sarah is about to submit her complete thesis.
As for me, it has been an enjoyable moment. More works and time to allow students understand their own theses, but it is worthy, as I have a hope that they will be successful in their life after they graduate from IAF program Binus International University. God bless you all ?