This Is How We Survive During Covid 19 – Online Class at Finance Binus International

It is probably fair to say that the Covid-19 global pandemic is affecting every sector of a nation’s life, including the education sector. In the midst of this outbreak, the teaching and learning process must continue. Here in Binus International, it has been 3 weeks since all the teaching and learning process is conducted online. Thanks to the advancement of technology and support from the Binus International operations team, the online learning has been running well. Both synchronous and asynchronous approaches to learning are employed to ensure students’ learning experience and the attainment of learning outcomes. Lecturers are motivated to create different, creative and engaging methods in delivering the materials online, which is quite challenging. Students are also having different and interesting experiences from this online class, as can be seen in the testimony videos below.
Good things about being online?
Tips and tricks for online studying?
Here are some examples of the online teaching and learning process that happen at Finance Binus International:
Class activity using Socrative in Financial Modelling class
Class discussion on Microsoft Excel worksheet using Webex
Students presentation on group assignment on Financial Management class
Seminar in Thesis