Workshop on How to Finance Your Startup in the Digital Era

As part of the Youthphoria event organised by Binus University International, on 21 September 2019 our program conducted a workshop entitled “How to Finance Your Startup in the Digital Era”. This workshop was facilitated by Dr. Mohamad Ikhsan Modjo, along with other faculty members of the program: Ibu Yen Sun (Head of Program), Ibu Valentina Tohang (Deputy Head of Program) and Ibu Amelia Limijaya (Faculty Member). The audience of this workshop is high school students.
After equipped with some of the materials related to the workshop topic, the audience was then given the opportunity to propose their startup plan, along with the financing plan. They participated actively and presented their ideas very well. A group came up with the idea of producing bags from cassava that are environmentally friendly, while another group wanted to start a green event organizer. The awareness of environmental issue also motivated a group to create a startup which focuses on providing best quality eggs.
This hands-on experience is expected to be a starting point for this young generation to start thinking about potential solutions faced by the society, especially in terms of social and environmental aspects. In our program, students will get this kind of exposure, which will enrich their study beyond classroom experience.