Teaching, Learning, Assessment (TLA) strategy

The teaching and learning processes are conducted through lectures/tutorials, student-centered learning, practical demonstrations/presentations and activities, completed with students’ independent study. IAF students are expected to not only master accounting and financial issues, but also to enrich their capability in being exposed to real life and entrepreneurial skills. By having qualified lecturers and guest lecturers from professional industries, the students will be able to gain knowledge from both sides, i.e. theoretical and practical frameworks, through in-depth analysis of case studies, and individual/group work projects. For doing their research activities, students can access magazines, books, academic journals in a good quality library – including accessing the online library to get updated academic papers. All course-work are assessed through a variety of assessment tasks such as reports, presentations, assignments, individual and group projects, and thesis/final project report as well as mid-semester and final semester examinations. To further enrich our Bachelor studies experience we are providing the Enrichment Track in semester 6 or 7; students are able to choose from these options: a) Internship (Local/International) b) Entrepreneurship c) Community Development  d) Research e) Study Abroad.

A series of extra-curricular activities are compulsory in the IAF program. These activities will allow students to develop their social awareness, competitive and soft skills needed to be prepared for their future work environment.

In addition, innovation habits will be developed through course assessments that place emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurial skills. Project Hatchery and Entrepreneurship Hatchery are courses that reflect such competence designed by the Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in BINUS UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL. Students are required to translate their selected innovative ideas into a visible design to comprehend the end-to-end innovation process. This innovation thinking approach is implemented in the teaching, learning, and assessment process of several courses throughout the program.