Apple iOS Foundation for Lecturers

The Apple Developer Academy @BINUS is Asia’s first-ever initiative to empower Indonesia’s economy by creating world-class developers for the world’s most innovative and vibrant app ecosystem. In Apple Academy, the students were taught how to become a good developer because according to them, “coders are very common, but developers are rare”. Computer Science Department has a commitment to equip the students with global talent thus they become highly competitive candidates when come to the job market. The academy experience can help the student to become a “T-Shaped professional” — one with a unique blend of tech, design, and business skills, with the ability to communicate across these disciplines. In favor of maximizing teaching and learning quality, we not only send the students to take part in the class, but we also send the CS lecturers to join the special iOS foundation class. The special class for lecturers has been held for 2 weeks from 22nd of July to 2nd of August 2019 in Apple academy at BINUS Alam Sutera campus.