Yanthi R.I. Hutagaol
Yanthi joined Binus University in 2009 as the Head of Program of Master of Applied Finance. In 2010, she was appointed as the research manager in Research & Development (R&D) Division. She has been teaching Research Methodology, Financial Accounting and Project Hatchery courses.
Besides teaching, she also has an interest in research that allows her to present her research papers in prestigious Accounting & Finance conferences in Asia, Australia, Europe and New Zealand. Her research interests are Capital Market-Based Accounting Research, Earnings Quality, and Initial Public Offerings (IPO).
Peer reviewed journal:
- Hutagaol-Martowidjojo, Y., A.Valentincic & D.L. Warganegara (2018 forthcoming). Earnings quality and market values of Indonesian listed firms. Australian Accounting Review
- Hutagaol-Martowidjojo, Y.F.Widyanto (2018). Earnings Quality of Indonesian Firms Surrounding Initial Public Offerings. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, 14 no.1, pp.47-62
- Hutagaol-Martowidjojo, Y. & A. Valentincic (2016), Valuation and Forecasting Roles of Dividends of Indonesian Listed Firms. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, 27/2, pp.126-157.
- Warganegara, D.L., Y. Hutagaol, M.A. Saputra, & Y.Anggraini (2013), “State Owned Enterprises and Corporate Governance Strength: Evidence from Indonesia”. International Journal of Management and Business Research, 3, pp.325-335.
- Warganegara, D.L., Y. Hutagaol, & T.F. Bachrumsyah (2013), “The Incidence and Quality of Financial Graphics in Indonesian IPO prospectuses”. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 17, pp.169-180.
- Hutagaol, Y. , D. Warganegara, C. Wibisono (2012), “The Accuracy of Earnings Forecast and Post-IPO Earnings Management”. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 16, pp.345-357.
- Hutagaol, Y., & I.G.A. Esika, (2011). “The Relative Accuracy of Management Earnings Forecast and IPO Performance”. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 15, pp.15-22
Case Study:
- Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF: Building Trust in Diverse stakeholders. Binus Case Center, 2017.
- PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk: e-Money – Future Growth or Despair? (with Minaldi Loeis). Binus Case Center, 2016.
- PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk: Human Resources Integration – From Diversity to Equality (with H. Toindo and S. Putra). Binus Case Center, 2016
- United Tractors: Agile Working Capital Policy to Sustain Growth. Binus Case Center, 2014.
- Martina Berto: IPO Valuation. Binus Case Center, 2012.
On Going Project
- INDOPED, The Innovative Pedagogy, Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Courses taught:
- Principles of Accounting
- Advanced Accounting
- Accounting Theory
- Research Methods in Accounting & Finance
- Seminar in Thesis
- Project Hatchery
- Financial Fundamental